Visitor Policy and Coronavirus Information
June 23, 2023
Dear Family Members,
Due to the recent outbreak of Covid -19 in our facility, our New York State Department of Health Advisory Team, in accordance with CDC guidance, has recommended the resumption of mask wearing by everyone in the facility.
Effective, immediately, please obtain a mask upon entering the facility, and continue to wear it until you leave the facility.
Masks are available on each unit for staff to change when they are visibly soiled or wet.
Staff must change their masks after caring for each resident symptomatic for an airborne or respiratory illness and Covid -19 positive residents.
Please continue to sanitize your hands frequently, and especially before and immediately after providing care to our residents.
These measures are proven to be effective in preventing the spread of the virus that causes Covid-19 infection, and other bacterial and viral infections.
Thank you all for your cooperation as we strive together to protect our residents, and each other.
The Infection Control Team
June 20, 2023
Dear Family Members,
We currently have positive COVID-19 cases in our facility. We encourage all visitors to sanitize their hands upon entering. Masks are available at security.
We are implementing all Infection Control protocols per CDC recommendations.
The Infection Control Team
Easter 2023
Dear Residents, Designated Representatives, HCP's and Family Contacts,
The Covid positivity rate at Ozanam Hall and the Queens area has remained low for the last number of weeks. Due to this gift from the good Lord, after consultation, the decision was made that we could modify the Covid Restrictions for our Residents, Physicians and visitors. Masks are no longer required, unless by choice, Residents are free to visit the patio, first floor areas and gift shop. This was our Easter gift to all of us: Residents, visitors, family members, staff and Carmelite Sisters.
As a result, very happy residents filled our Chapel for the Holy Week services and Easter Sunday Mass. Residents are once again enjoying the outdoor Patio with their friends and family. Thank God for the good weather this week.
May I remind Family members and friends that if planning a party for your resident, please check with the Director of Activities as to a place and time where you can get together with your resident to celebrate. Birthdays and special events are important. Pets are permitted upon submission of current vaccination records.
As of April 7th, Masks continue to be worn by staff, volunteers and companions. Infection control practices are encouraged, such as frequent sanitizing/washing of hands, not visiting if one is ill, or suffering from any respiratory infections or infectious disease.
Wishing you many blessings during this season of Spring.
Sincerely and gratefully,
Sr. Philip Ann, O.Carm
July 14, 2022
Dear Residents and Designated Representatives, HCP's and Family Representatives:
This letter is to give you an update you on the happenings at Ozanam Hall in relation to the recent increase in community rate COVID-19 and to review with you facility communication information.
Covid-19 Community Rate
As you may be aware the Queens County community Covid -19 positivity rate remains high at 10.9% 1(7 days average). We remind you that all visitors are required to wear a facemask given to you at security, as well as completing the screening questionnaire and provide proof of a negative covid-19 test. The facility provides free of cost Covid-19 rapid test which you obtain at the security point. If you visit your loved one frequently, you can receive a pass at security that is valid for 48 hours once you show a negative Covid test. We can provide you with a Covid 19-rapid test to take home and take within 24 hours of your visit and take a picture which you can show to security when you visit to avoid waiting in front of the building for 15 minutes for the negative rapid test result.
On your visit with your loved ones on the units, please remember that you cannot visit with them in Unit common areas for the protection of other residents. Also we encourage you to limit the number of visits to 3 people at one time and to keep your face coverings during your visit for the protection of the resident. You may be asked to wear additional PPE if your loved one is in an area with a restriction.
All our Staff has been Covid-19 vaccinated. Currently our staff is testing weekly for Covid-19 according to the Department of Heath recommendations. We continue to provide weekly Covid-19 Vaccination clinics for first time vaccination for our residents or Boosters for residents and our personnel.
We continue to send daily Covid -19 updates emailed to the residents HCP. We also post the Covid -19 daily updates in the resident units for their information. If you are the HCP and do not receive daily Covid-19 emails you can send us a message via our website or call the main number.
If you are trying to reach your loved ones Unit by phone and are unable, please let the receptionist know to page the Nursing supervisor or a supervisor for the department you are trying to reach. It is particularly challenging to answer calls during meal times and change of shifts, we do appreciate your patience.
If there are any concerns you feel are not addressed to your satisfaction, you can call the main number and ask to speak to someone from Administration and Director of Nursing.
Thank you for your understanding and God Bless you.
Sr. Philip Ann
January 27, 2022
Dear Residents, Designated Representatives, HCP’s and Family representatives:
As you may be aware, on January 21st, the New York state Department of Health (NYSDOH) mandated that all healthcare personnel receive a COVID-19 booster by February 21st, 2022 if eligible. Eligibility guidelines for the booster for our personnel recommend that there has been 5 months since their 2nd vaccine or 2 months for J & J vaccine. Personnel not eligible by that date must receive the booster within 30 days of becoming eligible. Personnel includes our employees, contracted staff, volunteers and students.
We have ongoing weekly Vaccination clinics at Ozanam Hall to encourage and promote both our personnel and residents to receive their vaccine or booster shots. We continue to educate our staff on the benefits of the booster shot. We are also monitoring and planning for any impacts this mandate may have on operations of the home.
As a reminder, For the safety of our residents, staff, yourself and loved ones, when visiting at Ozanam Hall, please adhere to all infection control guidelines and mandates, including the wearing of Personal Protective equipment (PPE’) in the resident’s rooms (face mask, gowns and face shield). Ozanam Hall remains under Covid-19 outbreak, please be advised of the risks when visiting the facility. If you are not feeling well, please stay home. The CDC recommends Covid-19 vaccination and Booster as an effective measure against the effects of Covid-19 and its variants.
We understand how important your visits are to our Residents wellbeing. With the Omicron variant and community infection rates, we ask for your cooperation in following the requirements and work with us in keeping each other safe.
Asking God to bless all of us, Residents, Visitors, Staff and Volunteers, and protect us all and keep us safe.
Blessings to each of you,
Sr. Philip Ann Bowden, Administrator
January 14, 2022
Dear Residents, Staff, Volunteers, Designated Representatives, HCP’s and Family representatives:
As you may be aware, Governor Hochul announced on January 7, 2022, new Covid-19 Testing requirements for Visitation in Nursing Homes. We sent out notifications to you regarding these requirements which we postponed until we received clarifications. New York State Department of Health has released further guidance in a “Health Advisory: Nursing Home Staff and Visitation Requirements”.
The following requirements will be in effect for resident visitation effective Wednesday January 19, 2022 at 7am to allow you to prepare for your visits.
All Visitors are required to:
- Wear a well-fitting higher quality masks for their visits. The masks must cover both the nose and the mouth. Ozanam Hall already requires staff, volunteers and visitors to wear surgical quality face mask which we provide.
- Physically distance from facility personnel and other residents/visitors that are not directly associated with the specific resident(s) being visited by that individual.
- Visitors must show proof of a negative COVID-19 test. The facility must verify visitors have proof of a negative SARS-CoV-2 test. Both Covid-19 PCR and rapid test will be accepted with the following requirements.
- PCR (NAAT) test: No later than two (2) days prior to visitation
- Rapid (antigen) test: No later than one (1) day prior to visitation
- Visitors may use FDA approved home Covid-19 rapid test. Test must be administered prior to entering facility and physical proof of test results must be presented to security that display the name and the date test was taken (Physical proof of result; pictures will be accepted).
- For visitors who visit multiple days, including a visitor who comes every day, proof of negative testing is required as often as feasible, at a minimum every third day (for example: minimum testing is required on day one, day 4, day 7, and so on). We will provide you with a tracking sheet (available at security) which you will show to security when you visit.
- Without proof of a negative Covid test as required, visitation will not be permitted.
- Covid-19 Screening will continue on entrance to the facility. Signing in and out continues to be required.
- Our Staff and Volunteers continue to be screened as per DOH guidelines.
We strongly encourage that you take your Covid-19 test prior to visitation as per guidelines (at least 2 days prior for PCR and 1 day for rapid test) and bring proof with you. A picture or the physical test will be accepted and must display your name and date the test was administered.
Ozanam Hall has a limited supply of Covid-19 rapid test supplied by Department of Health that may be available to you, however this availability is not guaranteed. If you receive a rapid test from Security, testing will need to be performed outside of Ozanam Hall and proof of a negative test, dated and brought back to the Security Officer at the Security desk. In the event of a positive Covid-19 rapid test please do not return to Security, and follow quarantine protocols. Due to staff shift changes and to ensure timely arrival of our staff to their assignment, we will not be distributing rapid test between 7am-9am and 2:30pm-3:30pm.
For the safety of our residents, staff, yourself and loved ones, when visiting at Ozanam Hall, please adhere to all infection control guidelines and mandates as above, including the wearing of Personal Protective equipment (PPE’) in the resident’s rooms (face mask, gowns and face shield). This is a requirement by the Department of Health. Ozanam Hall remains under Covid-19 outbreak, please be advised of the risks when visiting the facility. If you are not feeling well, please stay home. The CDC recommends Covid-19 vaccination and Booster as an effective measure against the effects of Covid-19 and its variants.
We understand how important your visits are to our Residents wellbeing. With the Omicron variant and high community infection rates, we ask for your cooperation in following the requirements and work with us in keeping each other safe.
Asking God to bless all of us, Residents, Visitors, Staff and Volunteers, and protect us all and keep us safe.
Blessings to each of you,
Sr. Philip Ann Bowden, Administrator
January 10, 2022
Dear Residents, Staff, Volunteers, Designated Representatives, HCP's, and Family Representatives:
The Ozanam Hall Letter sent to Family members stating that visitation with proof of negative testing starting Tuesday January 11. 2022 is postponed. Ozanam Hall needs further guidance from the Department of Health, When this is obtained we will notify you.
The Department of Health is now strongly encouraging both Residents and Visitors to be vaccinated, including the Booster shot.
Again asking God to protect all who live, work or visit Ozanam Hall and grant us His protection
Sr. Philip Ann Bowden
January 08, 2022
Dear Residents, Staff, Volunteers, Designated Representatives, HCP’s and Family representatives;
Governor Hochul announced yesterday, January 7, 2021, that going forward
1. Nursing Home Visitors will need to wear surgical quality masks for their visits. Ozanam Hall already requires that all staff, volunteers and visitors wear surgical quality masks.
2. Visitors must also show proof of a negative COVID-19 test from within 24 hours
prior to the visit. At this time Ozanam Hall does not have a supply of rapid testing
supplies available. Testing will need to be performed outside of Ozanam Hall. This
mandate will go into effect on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 at 7:00am. Each visitor must
present their proof of a negative test, dated and timed within 24 hours of the visit to
the Security Officer at the Security desk. Without this proof of testing, visitation will
not be permitted. In addition to proof of testing, screening will continue on entrance to
the facility. Signing in and out continues to be required. Our Staff and Volunteers
continue to be screened as per DOH guidelines.
When visiting at Ozanam Hall, please adhere to all infection control guidelines, including the wearing of Personal Protective equipment (PPE’) in the resident’s room. Some family members resent the wearing of PPE’s. This is mandated by the Department of Health and is for your protection as well as for the protection of our residents and staff.
This is a difficult time to work through and we can only do it together.
Asking God to bless all of us, Residents, Visitors, Staff and Volunteers, and protect us all and keep us safe.
Blessings to each of you,
Sr. Philip Ann Bowden
Sr. Philip Ann Bowden, Administrator
January 3, 2022
Dear Residents, Staff, Volunteers, Designated Representatives, HCP's and Family Representatives:
This letter is to update you on the happenings at Ozanam Hall in relation to COVID-19. Over Christmas and New Year, the community growth of new positivity rates has been staggering. As the community numbers grew, so did our staff positivity rate.
Today, there are 26 furloughed staff due to positive testing. We routinely test all staff and Residents per NYS guidelines. All of our staff are fully vaccinated. The majority of staff who has tested positive, have slight symptoms to no symptoms at all. As per the Department of Health regulations, once a positive report is obtained, the employee is immediately quarantined to their own home. The Unit on which the employee worked is also quarantined for 14 days which means staff, volunteers and visitors wear full Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in all interactions with the Residents for the Resident's protection.
When a Resident tests positive as part of routine testing, or if showing any symptoms indicative of COVID, they are immediately moved to the COVID Unit for the protection of the other Residents and staff. Today there are 10 people in the COVID Unit. The majority are these who test positive are within 14 days of being admitted from the hospital; they may have been exposed while in the hospital or the E.R. Residents who have been fully vaccinated recover quickly.
We continue to screen all staff, volunteers and visitors on a daily basis. We supply PPE to all units and request that all people interacting with the Residents wear them. The wearing of a face mask at all times, frequent hand washing or hand sanitizing plus maintaining a 6 foot distance between people and being Covid 19 / Booster vaccinated are all very important. Working together and supporting each other is so essential to stopping the spread of COVID in a health care institution.
Wishing you many blessings during the New Year! Thank you for being part of our family.
Sr. Philip Ann Bowden, Administrator
November 16, 2021
To: Residents, HCP/Representatives, Staff, Visitors,
NYSDOH Guidance on visitation are now consistent with the CMS Guidance: all restrictions on visitation have been lifted. Core Infection Control and Prevention Protocols must be adhered to during ALL visitations.
Per CMS, 42 CFR.483.10(f)(4) a resident has the Right to receive visitors of his or her choosing at the time of his or her choosing, including children, and in a manner that does not impose on the Rights of another resident, such as a clinical or safety restriction.
Visitations must be allowed without restrictions; hence, scheduled appointments are no longer required for visitation. The facility strongly recommends that a Resident has no more than three (3) people visit at a time.
While there are no time restrictions on visitations, the facility strongly recommends visitation takes place between 9am to 9pm, every day.
All visitors will continue to be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 infection, and must sign in and out in the VISITOR LOG at the Security desk; visitors will not be permitted to enter the facility if symptomatic. We also encourage visitors not to enter the facility if they are experiencing any of the widely recognized symptoms of COVID-19 infection.
Visitors are strongly encouraged to download a copy of the Visitor
Screening Form from our website, and fill in the required information prior to their arrival to the facility. This will facilitate a smoother flow to the screening process on the day of the visit.
Visitors must now sign in upon entering and sign out when leaving. NY fire laws require we know who is in the building at all times.
Visitors must wear a facial mask over their mouth and nose, and socially distance from other residents, other visitors and the facility staff for the entirety of their visits.
Visitors are prohibited from roaming around the unit hallways or the facility during a visit. Visitors must remain in their Resident's room or in designated visiting area for the entirety of their visit.
Visitors are prohibited from entering the floor dining rooms at any time.
Social distancing must be maintained in the elevators (no more than 4 people at a time).
Visitors must be mindful of the other Resident in a double room and that other Resident's right to privacy and to be safe.
At this time the facility cannot accommodate parties of any sort; families wishing to have parties may take the Resident out of the facility as allowed.
Unvaccinated Residents who leave the facility, for any reason, for more than 24 hours will be placed in the Observation Unit, under quarantine for 14 days, upon their return to the facility.
Vaccinated Residents who leave the facility, for any reason, for more than 24 hours will be given a COVID-19 Rapid Test upon their return, and will be permitted to return to their room with a negative result.
Visitors are encouraged during meal times, but must feed their Resident in the Resident's room. Visitors may bring food from the outside for the Resident to eat at meal times. Visitors must follow Resident's diet and any eating restrictions.
Sister Philip Ann
November 08, 2021
Dear Residents, Staff, Designated Representatives, HCP's and Family Contacts.
Once again we thank God that our residents are able to resume "0ff Unit" visiting.. Thank you for being so patient and understanding. The good news is that all residents are safe and Covid Free. As are our staff, Sisters and Volunteers. May the Good Lord continue to protect us and keep us safe.
Thank you for following good infection control practices, including hand -washing and proper mask wearing etc. and not visiting if you feel unwell.
The weather promises to be good for the next few days. Looking forward to seeing you and asking God to bless you.
Sincerely in Carme
Sr. Philip Ann, O. Carm.
October 22 nd 2021
Dear Residents, Staff, Volunteers, Designated Representatives, HCP's and Family Contacts:
Today, Friday 10/22/21 there was a positive Covid 19 test identified on one of our units. This person has been vaccinated and has no symptoms. This positive was discovered as part of routine testing.
As per DOH regulations, off unit visits are cancelled and will resume when cleared by the Epidemiologist at the DOH, which from past experience was not a long period. We ask all visitors to Ozanam for the sake of our residents to be vaccinated.
Please do not rush to make appointments for compassionate visits. That schedule is already very full, unless there is a medical emergency.
Thank you for your understanding and we apologize for any inconvenience. We strive to protect our residents and provide the best care possible.
Sr. Philip Ann
September 30, 2021
Dear Residents, staff, Designated Representatives, HCP's and Family Contacts;
We give God praise and thanks to God that during this period of extra caution there has been no incidence of Covid 19 infection among our Residents, Staff and Volunteers. The Epidemiologist from the Department of Health has given us the permission to reopen regular visitation starting immediately.
However, the 6th floor must remain on quarantine until October 7th, since that is the floor where the exposure happened. Regular visitation will restart on October 8, Friday.
We encourage all visitors to be vaccinated for the protection of all or us. Thank you for following good infection control procedures when visiting. God Bless and Protect all of us as we strive to keep our residents safe.
Sr. Philip Ann
September 23, 2021
Dear Residents, Staff, Volunteers, Designated Representatives, HCP's and Family Contacts,
We have reached another bump in the road regarding regular visitation. Regular visitation is being cancelled until 2 full rounds of serial testing have been completed. You will be notified when regular visitation will be possible.
A resident has been exposed through visitation, as a precaution and per the recommendation of the Department of Health, this safety precaution is being instituted. The Resident involved is testing negative for Covid, thank God. Serial Testing and cancellation of visitation is to protect all and to detect any effects on this resident, other residents, staff and volunteers and you our family members and friends.
Thank you for your understanding. We are grateful to God that we have had no positive Covid detected among our resident population in the last number of months, we pray this will continue as we strive to continue to protect our entire family.
We apologize for this interruption and pray you will understand.
Sister Philip A , Administrator
September 2, 2021
Dear Residents, Staff, Designated Representatives, Family Contacts, HCP's,
We are very happy to tell you that regular visitation can now re-start as of Friday, September 3rd, with the exception of the 6th floor who can have regular 45 minute visits with their families in the patio area outdoors. They cannot have regular visitation indoors until September 9th
Following the serial testing, all Residents, staff and volunteers have tested negative, thank God! We are so grateful to have zero Residents who are positive. All staff have recuperated.
We are doing everything possible to keep our Residents and staff safe Thank you for helping us by following the rules set forth by the Dept. of Health.
Sister Philip Ann Bowden
August 27, 2021
Dear Residents, Staff, Designated Representatives, Family Contacts, HCP's,
We regret to communicate that despite our best efforts to keep our Residents and Staff safe from COVID we have a had a person test positive last evening.
Regular visitation will be cancelled until serial testing for the entire building is complete. We will notify you when visitation will reopen.
Be assured that we are committed to protect our Residents, Staff and Visitors by strict adherence to the screening procedure, infection control measures and observation.
The individual who tested positive was vaccinated and asymptomatic but unfortunately exposed; therefore we continue to stress the importance of facial masking, hand hygiene, screening and sanitizing.
We hope you continue to join us in our efforts.
May God bless and protect you,
Sister Philip Ann Bowden
August 16, 2021
Dear Residents, Staff, HCP's Designated Representatives, Family Contacts:
Once Again we have had a positive Covid case from among our staff. This person has had minimum exposure to our residents, with some exposure to staff. Once again in order to protect our residents and staff, serial testing will be required for all Residents, Staff and Volunteers for the next two weeks.
We continue to monitor strict adherence to screening, infection control measures and observation, including facial masking, hand hygiene and sanitizing.
Regular Visitation will be cancelled until further notice. At this time only Compassionate Care Visits will be permitted.
We ask that those who are having Compassionate visitation, to read the directives we sent out on compassionate visitation. To protect our residents we ask you to limit the amount of in person visitation to the greatest extent possible while accommodating the social interactions of our residents based on the latest CDC information.
May God bless and protect all of us as we strive to safeguard our residents and each other.
Sr. Philip Ann Bowden
July 23, 2021
Dear Residents, Staff, HCP's Designated Representatives, Family Contacts:
We sincerely appreciate the families/visitors who have respected our Visitation Protocol and Staffing responsibilities without interference.
Due to consistent Nursing interruptions by non-observance of Visitor Protocols by non-compliant visitors, and our first commitment to provide timely care to our Residents, we have initiated a VISITOR PASS SYSTEM.
Compassionate Visits:
Please call 718 971-2614
Leave a message and someone will get back to you asap;
Messages left after 3:30PM, Friday, will be returned on Monday
Visits are scheduled from 9:30am through 7:30pm, seven days
Visits are 1 hour long and take place in the Resident’s room.
You may not leave the room for any reason!
You may not mingle or socialize with other Residents, staff or visitors. If you need assistance please use the call bell or call the Nursing Station; do not leave your Resident’s room. Any other issues regarding your Resident’s care must be discussed after the visit has ended by calling the unit and asking to speak to the nurse.
If you decide to split your hour with other family members/visitors, the visit is still limited to one (1) hour. Time used to facilitate the visit, i.e. elevator time, is included in the one (1) hour:
Only two visitors at a time. No one under 16 permitted.
Regular visits:
Please call Creative Activities, 718 971-2707/2708
Leave a message and your call will be returned in the order it was received;
Visits are scheduled between 9:15am and 5:15pm Monday through Friday.
Regular Visits are 45 minutes long and take place in the Auditorium or outside on the patio.
You may not walk through the hallways unescorted!
Only two visitors at a time. This includes children.
For all visits you are required to:
·Call to schedule an appointment at least one day (24 hours)ahead
·Be on time for your appointment; entry into building is permitted ten (10) minutes prior to your appointment. If you arrive early please wait
·Complete the necessary documentation, have your temperature recorded, sanitize your hands and don a fresh mask.
·Retrieve your pass from Security. It will denote time of entry. Keep it in your possession while in the facility, it will have to be returned upon exit;
·Wait for escort to visit location
·Visitors are restricted to designated areas only:
Regular visits - small auditorium and/or outside patio, weather permitting.
Compassionate visits – Elevator & corridor to your Resident’s room only
Parlor – only while waiting for escort
·Exit at appointed time; please do not put Staff in the position of calling Security to escort you out!
·Sign out upon exiting and return visitor's pass to Security
·Please remember, unless you are face-timing with your Resident and other family members in the privacy of your Resident's room, NO cell phone pictures/videos/audios are permitted to be used in the facility. You are asked to respect the privacy of other Residents/Staff members;
April 07, 2021
To the Residents, Staff, Family and Friends of Ozanam Hall:
We again are at the crossroad of resuming visitation. We were all aware of the obstacles we would face but thankfully we have passed the visitation obstructions once more.
In compliance with CMS, CDC, and NYSDOH, all residents and staff members have tested negative. With the exception* of the 10th floor, bridge unit and COVID unit, we will again be open for visitation starting Friday, April 9.*exceptions do not include Compassionate visits that can be scheduled through the Director of Nursing.
to allow for a smooth transition on re-opening, those families/friends who had their visits cancelled last Friday will be on the list to visit this Friday. Please remember that visits are scheduled for forty-five (45) minutes. Following this sequence, last Monday's visits will restart on Monday, April 12.
There is some availability on the visitation calendar so new appointments can be made. Please call Creative Activities for accommodation.
We are also phasing out Facetime visits for those families who visit.
As always, we thank you for your cooperation and understanding and reiterate the following:
Core principles of Infection Control and Prevention must be strictly adhered*;Visitation is open with the exception of observation/COVID-19 unit and any unit affected by a new case of COVID:
Monday through Friday - 9:00 AM to 11:35 AM and 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Weekends are reserved for Compassionate Visits as per appointments scheduled through the Director of Nursing;
All visits will be by appointment only, made by the Resident's HCP#1, made through the Creative Activities Department (1-718-971-2708) and will be based on scheduled availability;
A maximum of three (3) residents with no more than two (2) visitors will be permitted per visit; each visit will be scheduled once every week as scheduling permits, to accommodate all Residents in the facility;
Visits must be scheduled by the Resident's HCP #1. Children (16 years or older)
will be permitted to visit as long as accompanied by an adult and will count as one of the two permitted visitors;
NO pets until further notice; NO food/drink, no personal items (prepackaged food and items for the Residents can be left at Security, as is the present procedure);
All visitation will take place in the designated indoor/outdoor area, weather permitting (when you schedule your appointment, please let Activities know whether you prefer indoors or outdoors). Visits may have to be re-scheduled due to unforeseen circumstances with the Resident's care/personal needs;
*Core Principles of Infection Control and Prevention:
NYSDOH strongly suggests that you get tested for COVID-19, two (2) to three (3) days prior to your visit for the safety of your Resident, and your loved ones;Screening of all who enter the facility for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g. temperature checks, questions about and observations of signs and symptoms), and denial of entry of those with signs or symptoms or those who have had close contact with someone with COVID-19 infection in the prior 14 days (regardless of the visitor's vaccination status);Hand hygiene;Use of face coverings or masks (covering mouth and nose);Social distancing at least six feet between persons;
Please be on time, not too early;
Arrive five (5) minutes prior to scheduled visitation time:
Enter through the revolving door with mask on, keep six (6) feet distance, as delineated by floor markings and comply with the following:
Please bring your own pen and fill out the required documentation tool or resent pre-filled form to Security;
Have your temperature taken and use hand sanitizer;
After successfully being screened by Security, you will be given a new face mask to wear; you may either discard the facemask you entered the Facility with in the receptacle provided or place it in a sealed container/bag you have brought with you; Keep face mask on at all times while in the Facility; maintain six (6) feet distance;
Sign Visitors Log for validation;
When finished with sign-in procedure you will be escorted to the designated area;When you are called in for your forty-five (45) minute visit, please: Maintain six (6) feet distance; your Resident will be waiting in the designated area; Remain seated at the table with your Resident while maintaining distance; If your Resident is fully vaccinated, they can choose to have close contact (including touch) with their visitor/s while wearing a well-fitting face mask and performing hand-hygiene before and after. Regardless, visitors should physically distance from the other Residents and Staff in the Facility.
When your timed visit has ended:please exit the area immediately, please do not linger;
o maintain social distancing;
o sign out in the Visitors Log;
o your Resident will be escorted back to their floor.
Please understand that as cautiously as we open up, it is a concerted effort that we all remain safe and be vaccinated if possible.
Sister M. Philip Ann Bowden
Sister Philip Ann Bowden, Administrator
We can be reached as follows:
718 971-2707/08 Creative Activities (if you would like to schedule Facetime or DUO or cancel a scheduled visit)
718 971-2629/32/33/34 Social Workers
718 971-2755/3/4 Nursing Administration
718 971-2704 Infection Control
718 971-2610 Administration Office
Ozanam Hall Queens Nursing Home, Inc.
TO: Residents, Staff, Designated Representatives, Family Contacts, HCP's
DATE: April 02, 2021
FROM: Administration, Medicine, Nursing, Infection Control
Residents, Staff, Families,
We hoped it would be a smooth road to visitation resumption. Regrettably, the Facility was advised that there were two new positive COVID-19 tests. Again we are put in the position of prohibiting visitation until further notice.
We enjoyed having you return to visit and look forward to welcoming you back.
Sister Philip Ann, Administrator
March 31, 2021
To the Residents, Staff, Family and Friends of Ozanam Hall:
Thank you for your cooperation in resuming visitation. Residents and Staff were ecstatic to welcome back families and friends.
We believe, for the most part, the reopening went smoothly, as we haven't received any complaints or concerns. Our apology to the family members who arrived earlier than scheduled and had to wait outside before we could permit them in, especially during the less-than-perfect weather.
Due to the successful collaboration of all, we are opening up visits starting next Monday, April 5, for forty-five (45) minutes, scaled to one (1) visit per week as arranged by the Resident's HCP #1. Please call Creative Activities for availability of scheduled times; only Compassionate visits will be permitted over the weekends.
Although you've all proven your knowledge in following, we are reiterating that:
Core principles of Infection Control and Prevention must be strictly adhered*;
Visitation is open with the exception of observation/COVID-19 unit and any unit affected by a new case of COVID:
Monday through Friday - 9:00 AM to 11:35 AM and 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Weekends are reserved for Compassionate Visits as per appointments
scheduled through the Director of Nursing;
Visits are scheduled for forty-five (45) minute intervals until further notice;
All visits will be by appointment only, made by the Resident's HCP#1, made through the Creative Activities Department (1-718-971-2708) and will be based on scheduled availability;
A maximum of three (3) residents with no more than two (2) visitors will be permitted per visit; each visit will be scheduled once every week as scheduling permits, to accommodate all Residents in the facility;
Visits must be scheduled by the Resident's HCP #1. Children (16 years or older)
will be permitted to visit as long as accompanied by an adult and will count as one of the two permitted visitors;
NO pets until further notice; NO food/drink, no personal items (prepackaged food and items for the Residents can be left at Security, as is the present procedure);
All visitation will take place in the designated indoor/outdoor area, weather permitting (when you schedule your appointment, please let Activities know whether you prefer indoors or outdoors). Visits may have to be re-scheduled due to unforeseen circumstances with the Resident's care/personal needs;
*Core Principles of Infection Control and Prevention:
NYSDOH strongly suggests that you get tested for COVID-19, two (2) to three (3) days prior to your visit for the safety of your Resident, and your loved ones;
Screening of all who enter the facility for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g. temperature checks, questions about and observations of signs and symptoms), and denial of entry of those with signs or symptoms or those who have had close contact with someone with COVID-19 infection in the prior 14 days (regardless of the visitor's vaccination status);
Hand hygiene;
Use of face coverings or masks (covering mouth and nose);
Social distancing at least six feet between persons;
Please be on time, not too early;
Arrive five (5) minutes prior to scheduled visitation time:
Enter through the revolving door with mask on, keep six (6) feet distance, as delineated by floor markings and comply with the following:
Please bring your own pen and fill out the required documentation tool or present pre-filled form to Security;
Have your temperature taken and use hand sanitizer;
After successfully being screened by Security, you will be given a new face mask to wear; you may either discard the facemask you entered the Facility with in the receptacle provided or place it in a sealed container/bag you have brought with you;
Keep face mask on at all times while in the Facility; maintain six (6) feet distance;
Sign Visitors Log for validation;
When finished with sign-in procedure you will be escorted to the designated area;
When you are called in for your forty-five (45) minute visit, please:
Maintain six (6) feet distance; your Resident will be waiting in the designated area;
Remain seated at the table with your Resident while maintaining distance;
If your Resident is fully vaccinated, they can choose to have close contact (including touch) with their visitor/s while wearing a well-fitting facemask and performing hand-hygiene before and after. Regardless, visitors should physically distance from the other Residents and Staff in the Facility.
When your timed visit has ended:
oplease exit the area immediately, please do not linger;
o maintain social distancing;
o sign out in the Visitors Log;
o your Resident will be escorted back to their floor.
It's wonderful to have welcomed you back. We all pray that we continue on the path to health and safety for all.Sister M. Philip Ann Bowden
Sister Philip Ann Bowden, Administrator
We can be reached as follows:
718 971-2707/08 Creative Activities (if you would like to schedule Facetime or DUO or cancel a scheduled visit)
718 971-2629/32/33/34 Social Workers
718 971-2755/3/4 Nursing Administration
718 971-2704 Infection Control
718971-2610 Administration Office
March 26, 2021
To the Residents, Staff, Family and Friends of Ozanam Hall:
Happily we share our enthusiasm with the announcement of the NYSDOH Health Advisory revising Skilled Nursing Facility Visitation, March 25, 2021.
To synopsize:
Visitation will resume as of Monday, March 29, 2021;
Core principles of Infection Control and Prevention must be strictly adhered*;
Visitation is now open with the exception of observation/COVID-19 unit and any unit affected by a new case of COVID:
Monday through Friday - 9:00 AM to 11:35 AM and
1:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Weekends are reserved for Compassionate Visits as per appointments
scheduled through the Director of Nursing;
Visits are scheduled for fifteen (15) minute intervals until further notice;
All visits will be by appointment only, made by the Resident's HCP#1, made through the Creative Activities Department (1-718-971-2708) at least 72 hours in advance;
Note: previously made appointments will be honored on the date made;
If you call to make an appointment and are put into voicemail,
your message will be answered within 24 hours, Monday through Friday.
A maximum of three (3) residents with no more than two (2) visitors will be permitted per visit; each visit will be scheduled once every two (2) weeks as scheduling permits to accommodate all Residents in the facility;
Visits must be scheduled by the Resident's HCP #1. Children (16 years or older)
will be permitted to visit as long as accompanied by an adult and will count as one of the two permitted visitors;
NO pets until further notice; NO food/drink, no personal items (prepackaged food and items for the Residents can be left at Security, as is the present procedure);
All visitation will take place in the designated indoor/outdoor area, weather permitting (when you schedule your appointment, please let Activities know whether you prefer indoors or outdoors). Visits may have to be re-scheduled due to unforeseen circumstances with the Resident's care/personal needs;
Core Principles of Infection Control and Prevention:
NYSDOH strongly suggests that you get tested for COVID-19, two (2) to three (3) days prior to your visit for the safety of your Resident, and your loved ones;
Screening of all who enter the facility for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g. temperature checks, questions about and observations of signs and symptoms), and denial of entry of those with signs or symptoms or those who have had close contact with someone with COVID-19 infection in the prior 14 days (regardless of the visitor's vaccination status);
Hand hygiene;
Use of face coverings or masks (covering mouth and nose);
Social distancing at least six feet between persons;
Please be on time;
Arrive five (5) minutes prior to scheduled visitation time:
Enter through the revolving door with mask on, keep six (6) feet distance, as delineated by floor markings and comply with the following:
Please bring your own pen and fill out the required documentation tool or present pre-filled form to Security;
Have your temperature taken and use hand sanitizer;
After successfully being screened by Security, you will be given a new face mask to wear; you may either discard the facemask you entered the Facility with in the receptacle provided or place it in a sealed container/bag you have brought with you; Keep face mask on at all times while in the Facility; maintain six (6) feet distance;
Sign Visitors Log for validation;
When finished with sign-in procedure you will be escorted to the designated area;
When you are called in for your fifteen (15) minute visit, please:
Maintain six (6) feet distance; your Resident will be waiting in the designated area;
Remain seated at the table with your Resident while maintaining distance;
If your Resident is fully vaccinated, they can choose to have close contact
(including touch) with their visitor/s while wearing a well-fitting face mask and performing hand-hygiene before and after. Regardless, visitors should physically distance from the other Residents and Staff in the Facility.
When your timed visit has ended:
oplease exit the area immediately, please do not linger;
o maintain social distancing;
o sign out in the Visitors Log;
oyour Resident will be escorted back to their floor.
Thank you for your support during these trying times and Welcome Back!
Sister M. Philip Ann Bowden
Sister Philip Ann Bowden, Administrator
We can be reached as follows:
718 971-2707/08 Creative Activities (if you would like to schedule Facetime or DUO or cancel a scheduled visit)
718 971-2629/32/33/34 Social Workers
718 971-2755/3/4 Nursing Administration
718 971-2704 Infection Control
718 971-2610 Administration Office
Residents, Staff, Families,
Ozanam Hall Coronavirus Updates
March 18, 2021
To the Residents, Staff, Family and Friends of Ozanam Hall:
We look forward to welcoming you back starting Monday, March 22, 2021.
Sharing the good news with you, we recently had members of the NYSDOH Epidemiology Department who conducted a site visit and informed us that:
Due to the below 10% positivity county rate, visitors are NOT REQUIRED to do Rapid Testing to visit;
Proof of vaccination is NO LONGER REQUIRED to visit;
We still must maintain core principles of Infection Control and Prevention:
o Facility has been COVID-free for 14 days for both Residents and Staff, otherwise the calendar is pushed forward 14 days from the date of NYSDOH reporting;
o There is no visitation for Residents who are on the Observation unit with the exception for End of Life;
o Residents are permitted one visit, limited to two visitors, every two weeks, Monday through Thursday, at designated times (see below*) to be able to accommodate all Residents;
* 9:00 AM ending 11:35 AM and 1:00 PM ending 2:35 PM;
o Visits will once again be scheduled for 15 minute intervals until further notice;
o All visits will be by appointment only, made by the Resident's HCP #1, made through the Creative Activities Department (1.718.971-2708), Monday through Thursdays, 9:00 AM through 12:00 PM, one (1) week in advance;
If you leave a message, it will be promptly answered within 24 hours.
o A maximum of three (3) residents with no more than two (2) visitors per visit;
each visit will be scheduled once every two (2) weeks as scheduling permits;
o Visits must be scheduled by the Resident's HCP #1. Only two visitors will be permitted at the scheduled time, once every two weeks; Children (16 years or older) will be permitted to visit as long as accompanied by an adult and will count as one of the two permitted visitors;
o No pets until further notice, NO food/drink, no personal items. (Prepackaged food for the Residents can be left at Security, as is the
present procedure).
o All visitation will take place in the provided indoor/outdoor area, weather permitting; visits may have to be re-scheduled/or time reduced due to unforeseen circumstances with the Resident due to care/personal needs;
o arrive fifteen (15) minutes prior to your the scheduled visitation time (allot extra time for parking); enter through the revolving door with mask on, keep six (6) ft. distance, as delineated by floor markings, and comply with the following:
o fill out the required documentation Tool and sign Visitors Log for
validation; (Tool is attached if you wish to download and complete it prior
to your scheduled visitation; otherwise, extra copies can be found by Security
for your convenience);
o have your temperature taken and use hand sanitizer;
o keep face mask on at all times; maintain social distancing;
o when finished with sign-in procedure, please wait outside the building until permitted in for scheduled visit;
When you are called in for your fifteen minute visit, please:
o maintain 6 feet distance; your Resident will be waiting in the designated
o follow signage to designated area;
o remain seated at the table with your Resident while maintaining distance;
o your visit is limited to fifteen (15) minutes; you will reminded of the time;
When your timed visit has ended:
o please exit the area immediately, please do not linger; maintain social distancing; sign out in the Visitors Log; your Resident will be escorted back to their floor.
Thank you for your assistance in keeping our Residents and Staff safe.
For the safety of each Resident and visitor, your visit will be monitored. If
you do not follow the above protocol, you will prohibited from visiting again
until after the pandemic restrictions have been lifted.
Thank you for your support during these trying times and Welcome Back!
Sister M. Philip Ann Bowden
Sister Philip Ann Bowden, Administrator
We can be reached as follows:
718 971-2707/08 Creative Activities (if you would like to schedule Facetime or DUO or cancel a scheduled visit)
718 971-2629/32/33/34 Social Workers
718 971-2755/3/4 Nursing Administration
718 971-2704 Infection Control
718 971-2610 Administration Office
February 23, 2021
To the Residents, Staff, Family and Friends of Ozanam Hall:
We prayed for the vaccine and it arrived just in time for brighter days to welcome families back to the fold.
We know that you've all heard the news on Nursing Homes opening for visitation again, and we realize how patient you've been waiting.
Governor Cuomo's office announced new regulations, much similar to those we had prior (refer to the last evening's press release below).
New regulations on nursing home visitations will go into effect Friday, February 26. These full guidelines depend on a county's COVID risk level, and continue to depend on the nursing home facility being free of COVID-19 cases for 14 days. For counties with COVID-19 positivity rates between 5-10 percent (on a 7-day rolling average), visitor testing is required and visitors must have a negative test before entry. For counties with COVID-19 positivity rates below 5 percent, visitor testing is strongly encouraged and rapid tests may be utilized. Alternatively, visitors may provide proof of a completed COVID-19 vaccination no less than 14 days from the date of the visit. Visitation would not be permitted if the county's COVID-19 positivity rate is greater than 10 percent.
There are still many questions, regulations to be reviewed and met, scheduling, and arrangements to be formalized. As we restructure resuming visitation, we will keep you updated in preparation for it. We look forward to sharing that sigh of relief!
Thank you for the confidence you place in us.
We continue to keep you in our prayers.
Sister M. Philip Ann Bowden
Sister Philip Ann Bowden, Administrator
Please continue to check your Daily Facility Update for information on resumption of visitation.
FaceTime calls should be scheduled one (1) week in advance through Creative Activities. Once you have established your timeslot, there is no need to re-schedule your timeslot unless you have to change the times.
Only HCP's should be returning calls to the unit Nursing Station. Any questions or concerns should be addressed by the HCP#1 with the Director or Nursing,
Ms. Claudia Watson or Assistant Director of Nursing, Mr. Nicolas Mezi.
As a reminder, please allow our clinicians and support staff to focus on immediate resident needs. If you need to contact us, please do not call the units directly.
We can be reached as follows:
718 971-2707/08 Creative Activities (if you would like to schedule Facetime or DUO or cancel a scheduled visit)
718 971-2629/32/33/34 Social Workers
718 971-2755/3/4 Nursing Administration/Infection Control
718 971-2610 Administration Office
Thank you for your consideration and cooperation.
Ozanam Hall Coronavirus Updates
Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine Fact Sheet
Please click here to read the fact sheet for recipients and caregivers regarding the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.
Community Updates
December 23, 2020
To the Residents, Staff, Family and Friends of Ozanam Hall:
During this time of giving and receiving we wish to shower you with Christmas Blessings for you and your loved ones. You've given up spending time with your loved ones, a hardship for something so easily taken for granted, but received the gift of a deeper appreciation for each other.
It's difficult to find the inspiration to view this past pandemic year as a blessing, especially as a second resurgence is taunting us. Hopefully, we have mastered a different mindset: confidence in the Will of God, to take advantage of the day not promised to everyone, recognizing that from the depths of despair a new path can be pursued, and yes, we are our brother's keeper!
We've witnessed the goodness of man by the wide charity of all but it is with heavy heart that this pandemic is still keeping us from our normal everyday pattern of life.
As we have made you aware, we are still experiencing positive COVID-19 among Residents and Staff, so visitation will resume in January if we have no new cases.
You'll be advised of the date as we get closer to it.
Still we have been blessed:
Blessed with the Christmas Star.
Blessed because we now have a vaccine available.
Blessed because we survived the year, with some psychological and, in some cases, physical bruises but we have been given hope for a brand New Year with a new beginning.
Blessed because so many of you have sent kind thoughts and gifts to the Residents and packaged food to our Staff.
We are thankful that we have received notice from our pharmacy that distribution of vaccines will tentatively begin January 7 for residents and staff. We remind you that if you haven't yet decided on whether your Resident should be administered the vaccine or refrain from taking it, it is necessary to contact Nursing to make them aware of your decision.
We look forward to a New Year with new beginnings as we wish you a very Merry and blessed Christmas.
Sister J. Catherine Raymond Sister M. Philip Ann Bowden
Sister J. Catherine Raymond, CEO Sister Philip Ann Bowden, Administrator
Continue to check your Daily Facility Update for information.
Should you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us.
As a reminder, please allow our clinicians and support staff to focus on immediate resident needs. If you need to contact us, please do not call the units directly.
We can be reached as follows:
718 971-2707/08 Creative Activities (if you would like to schedule Facetime or DUO or cancel a scheduled visit)
718 971-2629/32/33/34 Social Workers
718 971-2755/3/4 Nursing Administration/Infection Control
718 971-2610 Administration Office
To Residents, Staff, Family, HCP's, and Friends of Ozanam Hall:
We all admit it's been a long year which has flown by quickly. Many of us have experienced the ugly consequences of COVID-19. Our prayers are with those who lost loved ones without a personal goodbye, families who have surmounted the terror of loss but still are encumbered with residue effects and those who know the loneliness of physical separation.
Through the difficult times, we must commend ourselves for offering the utmost of protection to our loved ones by not surrendering to instant gratification but rather securely embracing that, with God's grace, we would overcome the vicious appetite of this pandemic. You demonstrated so much love in your hearts, thinking not of yourselves, but your loved ones.
Being on the brink of the vaccine to break the cycle of transmission, we need your assistance. Below is information on the vaccine as well as a consent form for your loved one to receive the vaccine.
Time is certainly of the essence in completing the process. We ask that you please read the information. If you consent/decline the vaccine for your Resident and have the ability to sign and fax it to 718-971-2077, it would be greatly appreciated otherwise expect a call from Nursing to verbally consent/decline. It is necessary that we receive all faxes no later than 12/14/2020.
Click the buttons below to access vaccine information and consent form:
Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers:
Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of The Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 Vaccine To prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Individuals 16 years of Age and Older
Pharmscript COVID-19 Vaccination Informed Consent Form
As always, we appreciate your time and cooperation, and pray that God continues to shine His love on us.
Sister J. Catherine Raymond Sister M. Philip Ann Bowden
Sister J. Catherine Raymond, CEO Sister Philip Ann Bowden, Administrator
Contacting Ozanam Hall:
Should you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us. As a reminder, please allow our clinicians and support staff to focus on immediate resident needs. If you need to contact us, please do not call the units directly.
We can be reached as follows:
718 971-2707/08 Creative Activities (if you would like to schedule Facetime or DUO or cancel a scheduled visit)
718 971-2629/32/33/34 Social Workers
718 971-2755/3/4 Nursing Administration/Infection Control
718 971-2610 Administration Office
November 25, 2020
To the Residents, Staff, Family and Friends of Ozanam Hall:
As we approach Thanksgiving and the start of this year's holiday season , we find that there will be no gentle opportunity for respite and reflection as the number of infections continue to multiply and are projected to further scale upwards. It has been said that COVID-19 has wreaked havoc, it has killed more Americans than in the combined country's last five wars and sickened millions. It has stolen the opportunity of sharing time and memories with our loved ones. We've all now experienced sadness intimately, and feel anger at the lack of control over our lost celebrations.
This time has also given us the opportunity to share our blessings -- we hoped, we prayed and we have the miracle of a safe vaccine on the horizon. Eventually, this time lost in hardship will slowly be emerging into a time to appreciate the simple things we chose to ignore in a too busy world, which was reconstructed by a virus. We will be given the ability to make up for lost time; after all, Thanksgiving doesn't have to be celebrated in November, we can give thanks every day of the year for the many gifts of life and love we can cherish.
The majority of our Residents have made the decision to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner 'home' at Ozanam. For the few families that have decided to entertain their Residents outside, we must alert you that the NYSDOH has sent out a Health Advisory: Holiday Guidance for Nursing Homes and Adult Care Facilities, dated November 24, 2020. The highlights are as follows:
- If a resident leaves for home or family visitation or for a social outing, the following requirements must be met for the resident’s return to the facility for the safety of other residents and staff:
- Nursing home and Adult Care Facility staff should remind residents to follow all recommended infection prevention and control measures outside the facility, including:
- Limiting close contact with others (maintaining physical distancing of six feet or more), avoiding large gatherings and keeping gatherings as small as possible, and use of technology to engage with others remotely
- Wear facemasks or cloth face covering to the extent possible
- Performing frequent hand hygiene
- Avoiding sharing of communal food or drinks
- Residents who leave a facility must:
- Quarantine or minimize contact to the extent safely possible prior to their return to the facility.
- Be quarantined on transmission-based precautions upon return to the facility for 14 days.
- Test negative immediately (within 24 hours) prior to return to the facility.
- Be tested at least three times during the 14-day quarantine period at the facility, including on the first day (upon return) and the last day that a resident must be quarantined.
- Families, taking Residents out for Thanksgiving will be required to sign a written attestation that they:
- Are aware of the risks involved with taking the resident out of the facility;
- Will follow masking, social distancing, and hand hygiene practices pursuant to CDC and DOH directives;
- Will notify the facility if the resident becomes ill within one week of leaving the facility;
- Will notify the facility if anyone with whom the resident socialized tests positive for COVID-19 or influenza or exhibits symptoms of COVID-19 and influenza within 14 days of the resident’s return to the facility;
- Will communicate with the facility about a return date for the resident to the facility in accordance with the facility’s policy; and
- Will quarantine or minimize contact (or assist the resident to do so) to the extent safely possible prior to return to a nursing home.
Upon return to the facility, please pull up to the front entrance and present the certificate of negative test results for your Resident before discharging the Resident from your vehicle. The Resident will not be allowed back into the facility without it.
We are wishing you a happy Thanksgiving holiday in which you can savor days and experiences yet to come. Please stay safe and healthy.
"We should certainly count our blessings, but we should also make our blessings count" -- Neal A. Maxwell
Sister J. Catherine Raymond Sister M. Philip Ann Bowden
Sister J. Catherine Raymond, CEO Sister Philip Ann Bowden, Administrator
Continue to check your Daily Facility Update for continued information.
Should you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us.
As a reminder, please allow our clinicians and support staff to focus on immediate resident needs. If you need to contact us, please do not call the units directly.
We can be reached as follows:
718 971-2707/08 Creative Activities (if you would like to schedule Facetime or DUO or cancel a scheduled visit)
718 971-2629/32/33/34 Social Workers
718 971-2755/3/4 Nursing Administration/Infection Control
718 971-2610 Administration Office
November 20, 2020
To the Residents, Staff, Family and Friends of Ozanam Hall:
You need not be reminded how frightening, difficult and fearful these challenging times are, and will be for all. Again, we were faced with another resident who tested COVID-19 positive. Even though Infection Control protocols are followed and practiced we continue to be at the mercy of a medically-sourced enemy, vicious in assault and unable to identify due to its faceless nature when it affects individuals. Visitation is once more placed in a holding pattern until NYSDOH gives an approval for resuming visitation.
We all have differing opinions on how this pandemic should be managed, especially in the Nursing Home. Regardless of what individuals think, Nursing Homes are accountable to CMS, CDC, NYS/NYC DOH's regulations and guidance. We know the anger, the helplessness and frustration that family and staff members must endure as we have received a few emails and calls. Even though they have been minute in comparison to our population, having one distraught family member is too much. We wish it were within our power to change circumstances but it's not!
Remaining vigilant and continuing to receive your understanding and cooperation is paramount to keeping our Residents safe and secure. We thank you.
REMINDER: we can't refuse a resident from visiting with their family outside the facility during the holidays but strongly discourage residents leaving the facility because of the risks of transmission of COVID-19. If a resident does insist on leaving the facility they are encouraged to wear a facemask and sanitize their hands often. We must document the resident's request to leave the facility, and that they were educated on, and understood the risks involved.
For the resident who does leave, the facility will monitor the resident upon return for fever and signs and symptoms of respiratory infection for 14 days, in an area dedicated for observation of asymptomatic residents.
Please base your decision on what you determine to be best for the Resident, your family and staff members. For your assistance in deciding we have attached CMS's ALERT to Nursing Homes, Residents and Resident Family Member(s)/
Sister J. Catherine Raymond Sister M. Philip Ann Bowden
Sister J. Catherine Raymond, CEO Sister Philip Ann Bowden, Administrator
Continue to check your Daily Facility Update for continued information.
Should you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us.
As a reminder, please allow our clinicians and support staff to focus on immediate resident needs. If you need to contact us, please do not call the units directly.
We can be reached as follows:
718 971-2707/08 Creative Activities (if you would like to schedule Facetime or DUO or cancel a scheduled visit)
718 971-2629/32/33/34 Social Workers
718 971-2755/3/4 Nursing Administration/Infection Control
718 971-2610 Administration Office
Department of Health & Human Services
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
7500 Security Boulevard, Mail Stop C2-21-16
Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850
Center for Clinical Standards and Quality/Quality Safety & Oversight Group
To Nursing Homes, Residents, and Resident Family Member(s)/Representative(s),
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) public health emergency (PHE) has been one of our nation’s greatest challenges and has especially taken a toll on the nation’s nursing home residents. CMS is committed to protecting the health and safety of nursing home residents at all times and especially during the challenges presented by the spread of COVID-19. We understand the emotional impact that separation from loved ones has caused. In September, CMS provided revised guidance for how residents can safely receive visitors in the nursing home. With the holiday season fast approaching, we understand that residents and their families will want to spend more time together. During the holidays, facilities, residents, and visitors should continue to follow the guidelines for visitation and adhere to the core principles of infection prevention, such as remaining six feet or more apart, wearing a face covering, and limiting the number of visitors in the nursing home at any one time. We also recommend that facilities find innovative ways of celebrating the holidays without having parties or gatherings that could increase the risk of COVID-19 transmission (e.g., virtual parties or visits, provide seasonal music, movies, decorations, etc.).
We also know that some residents may want to leave the nursing home temporarily to visit family and friends for the holidays or other outings. While CMS supports family engagement and a resident’s right to leave the nursing home, everyone needs to work together to take extra precautions to help reduce the spread of COVID19, which can pose an elevated danger to the health of nursing home residents. Therefore, CMS recommends against residents leaving the nursing home during this PHE. With the potential for a safe and effective vaccine on the immediate horizon, extra precautions now are essential to protect nursing home residents until a vaccine becomes available. Leaving the nursing home could increase a resident’s risk for exposure to COVID-19. The risk may be further increased by factors such as a resident’s health status, the spread of COVID-19 in the community (e.g., cases or positivity rate), or attendance at large gatherings. We encourage residents to discuss these and other risks with their families and nursing home staff. Nursing homes should educate residents and families of the risks of leaving the facility, the steps they should take to reduce the risk of contracting COVID19, and encourage residents to stay connected with loved ones through alternative means of communication, such as phone and video communication. For examples of ways to connect with residents, refer to memorandum QSO-20-28-NH. Should a resident ultimately choose to leave the nursing home, CMS is providing the following recommendations:
• Limit close contact (maintain physical distancing of six feet or more), keep gatherings as small as possible, and use technology to engage with others remotely;
• Wear facemasks or cloth face covering at all times (including in cars, homes, restaurants, etc.);
• Limit contact with commonly touched surfaces or shared items;
• Keep safe around food and drinks. Avoid communal serving utensils, passing of food, potluck or buffet style food service, and instead opt for individually prepared plates by a single server;
• Perform hand hygiene often (e.g., wash hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer);
• Avoid large gatherings, crowded areas, and high-risk activities such as singing;
• For those attending a gathering, avoid contact with individuals outside of their household for 14 days prior to the gathering;
• Ask anyone who has signs or symptoms of COVID-19, or has been exposed to someone diagnosed with COVID-19, to not attend the gathering;
• If possible, conduct gatherings outdoors. Indoor gatherings should have good ventilation, open windows and doors if possible;
• Verbally greet others instead of shaking hands or giving hugs. Think ahead about how you will manage to prevent physical interactions with loved ones of different ages such as young children; and
• Check local conditions and state requirements for precautions and restrictions, including positivity rates and quarantine requirements, before crossing state lines. CMS has collaborated with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on these recommendations, and we encourage you to review CDC’s webpage on holiday celebrations, which has more suggestions for preventing the spread of COVID-19.
November 07, 2020
To the Residents, Staff, Family and Friends of Ozanam Hall:
A sincere thank you for the patience and understanding you have demonstrated during this time. We look towards to re-opening visitation on Tuesday, November 17, providing we have no new positive test results for residents or staff.
Rapid testing is becoming more available to the public, giving you results within the same day. You can check out where the testing sites are located online. If you intend to visit, please remember that the HCP#1 must call one week prior to schedule an appointment. On arrival, you must be wearing a facemask/covering, complete the Screening Tool, present written proof that you have tested negative within the past week (7 days), and sign in the Visitors Log. Visitation is restricted to fifteen (15) minutes. You must leave when your time is up and sign out at Security.
Besides the many calls received on visitation, we've started to have inquiries into taking loved ones home/out for Thanksgiving and upcoming holidays.
We can't refuse a resident from visiting with their family outside the facility during the holidays but strongly discourage residents leaving the facility because of the risks of transmission of COVID-19. If a resident does insist on leaving the facility they are encouraged to wear a facemask and sanitize their hands often. We must document the resident's request to leave the facility, and that the risks were discussed.
For the resident who does leave, the facility will monitor the resident upon return for fever and signs and symptoms of respiratory infection for 14 days, in an area dedicated for observation of asymptomatic residents.
Please base your decision on what you determine to be best for the Resident, your family and staff members.
We are all experiencing 'pandemic fatigue'; we believe the best way to express the thanks so many families have communicated is to adhere to the strict precautions until we rise above this pandemic. Staff, heroes to both Residents and families,
are better served knowing their risks to contract COVID-19 has been reduced by the thoughtful efforts of others who respect the restrictions placed upon us.
We remain in prayer for speedy recovery.
Sister J. Catherine Raymond Sister M. Philip Ann Bowden
Sister J. Catherine Raymond, CEO Sister Philip Ann Bowden, Administrator
Continue to check your Daily Facility Update for continued information.
Should you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us.
Contacting Ozanam Hall:
As a reminder, please allow our clinicians and support staff to focus on immediate resident needs. If you need to contact us, please do not call the units directly.
We can be reached as follows:
718 971-2707/08 Creative Activities (if you would like to schedule Facetime or DUO or cancel a scheduled visit)
718 971-2629/32/33/34 Social Workers
718 971-2755/3/4 Nursing Administration/Infection Control
718 971-2610 Administration Office
Ozanam Hall Nursing Home Inc.
DATE: October 17, 2020
Residents, Staff, Designated Representatives, Family Contacts, HCP's,
We felt compelled to share this information as soon as we received it.
As Robert Burns wrote, “the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry”. We thought we would enjoy the fruits of our labors for a longer period of time but we unfortunately have received positive results from one of our treasured staff which must be reported to the NYSDOH tomorrow. Due to this, all scheduled visitation is on hold until further notice.
We reflect: should we grieve this setback or rejoice in knowing that we met the criteria before, and this is merely an obstacle in the road which we will again overcome. The staff member was asymtomatic – no signs of illness, but the COVID-19 test proved different.
As you have undoubtedly surmised, this staff member was immediately asked to self- quarantine; while we all contemplate the effects on our visitation program, we should not forget the angst of the individual who reviews every movement made, every individual interacted with, surfaces touched, and the hopefully short-lived disappointment of all involved in the upcoming cessation of visitation. This alone is a heavy burden for one individual to shoulder.
So let us celebrate our positive outcomes. We successfully managed to re-open our visitation, even though limited by restrictions. Staff worked endlessly to ensure the safety of the Residents and themselves. Residents cooperated, understood and supported the efforts of the staff. Above all, HCP's, representatives and family contacts patiently waited, took extra precautions, and welcomed the opportunity to get back to some type of normalcy by sharing their longing for personally visiting.
We are family and came together as a family for the betterment of all involved. We are blessed for the commitment demonstrated by all and will see this through again.
We are here to answer any questions and any comments you wish to share.
Our prayers remain with you all.
Sister Joseph Catherine Sister Philip Ann
Visitor Schedule and Coronavirus Information
From the New York State Department of Health

Additional Useful Resources
It is expected that the spread of COVID-19 infections in the US will continue to increase. It is essential that all nursing home owner/operators, administrators, and clinical staff maintain situational awareness about the disease, its signs and symptoms, where cases and outbreaks are occurring, and necessary infection prevention and control procedures by regularly visiting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and NYSDOH websites, as well as the NYSDOH Health Commerce System (HCS), to review the most up-to-date information for healthcare providers.
The following are links to up-to-date information:
- CDC: and
- HCS:
Prevent Exposure to and Spread of Illness at the Nursing Home
Visitors to the nursing home may introduce COVID-19 infection into the nursing home if they are ill as a result of community transmission either internationally or in the US, or have had close contact (within 6 feet) to person(s) known to have or reasonably suspected of having COVID-19.
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